
Bookmarks will get crowded easily. And if you are anything like me, you will have them absolutely filled out and when you try to manage them… they eat your time.

Even after cleaning them up and organizing them. We still only use a few of them most of the time.

So how about we put these few bookmarks somewhere we will always find them and in a way that is easy to use?

This is where Homer comes in.

Its a simple web page that we can run locally and edit it in YAML for easy editing.

I use it to keep all my most important bookmarks for easy use.

Especially that Homer can be run on any machine thus I have it on my raspberry pi running 24/7 on the local network. Which means I can pretty much access it from my phone, laptop, computer, or even the toaster if it was smart enough. Just because its on my local network.

I will show you how to set it up easily in this video.

Thank you for reading!

Any support is welcomed.

  • Rytr0


Making life easier one line of code at a time.
